
“Reiki is Love.

Love is Wholeness ~ Wholeness is Balance.

Balance is Wellbeing ~ Wellbeing is freedom from Dis-Ease.” Dr. Usui

 Reiki (ray-key) is Japanese word for Universal Life Energy.

This system of natural healing, is a hands off technique that allows the Universal Life Energy to flow through the hands of the practitioner and into the body of the client.

Reiki reconnects our bodies {physical, mental, emotional & spiritual}, bringing them back into coherence.

As you lie down and relax, fully clothed, you receive this gentle and highly powerful natural system of hands-off energy healing. Reiki is highly rejuvenating and is recommended as a preventative health measure as well as for any and all ailments.

During a Reiki Session with Paige, she is able to channel as she is with your energy & receive powerful messages from your guides, loved ones and/or Ancestors; working together to assist you in your healing and ascension. Once your session is completed, Paige will go over everything she has received and will provide you with your next steps to support you move forward.

Reiki is powerful on its own, as well as combined with other forms of health and wellness.

You will leave your session feeling peaceful, and empowered with lightness and clarity.

Sessions last 45 minutes and combine Crystal Energy to enhance your session.

Session can be done in person OR distance.